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Enquiries: info@exesup.co.uk

Paddle Board Lessons

After experiencing licensing issues and sharing a meeting with John Edward & Carl Burnett of RED ROCK, we are pleased to report that Pete Beadsmore has now been given the go ahead to deliver Paddle Board lessons in Exmouth with the collaboration of RED ROCK.

Therefore all bookings for Pete’s lessons will now be completed on line through the RED ROCK webpage.

How Do I Book?

To book lessons simply CLICK HERE (Opens a new window)

What's The Cost?

The cost of these lessons is £40 for 2 hours.

So What's On Offer?

Exmouth SUP & Paddle Group Beginners Paddle Board Lesson 

This will be a 2 hour lesson held on the Duck Pond Exmouth. These lessons aim to build confidence by developing your Paddle Boarding skills, practicing balancing techniques, being confident on your board by adopting the correct posture, performing the forward stroke effectively, learning how to turn & stop confidently.

ES&PG Intermediate Paddle Board Lesson

Pete will now also be offering separate “Intermediate Paddle Board Lessons”. 

These will be 2 hour lessons held on the Duck Pond Exmouth. These lessons will be aimed at someone who can already Paddle Board but requires help with developing their technique. i.e. executing a Step-Back Turn, understanding the 4 phase Paddle Stroke, using the 3 Finger Paddle Grip and engaging Hip Rotation on the Power Phase together with looking at Self Rescue techniques best suited for the individual.

Pete will post up-coming dates for these lessons on our ESPG Facebook page aimed at our members.

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