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Enquiries: info@exesup.co.uk

SUP Safety Hints 'N' Tips

The Exmouth SUP and Paddle Group actively promotes safety in all environments of our respective sports.

Our members are individually responsible for their own safety and we encourage each and every member to arm themselves with local knowledge on tides and weather conditions before heading out.

You don't want to leave It too late to think about safety - it never takes a day off!

Here Are A Few Pointers

  1. Check the weather conditions before venturing out. If the weather is subject to change - what's happening and when particularly with respect to wind and where possible avoid offshore winds in excess of 6 mph unless you are a good paddler.
  2. Check the tides. In Exmouth most of us paddle in tidal conditions and you would be wise to familiarising yourself with the tides in the area. Perhaps take a short course but at the very least grab a tidal app so you can see when slack water will be and when to avoid.
  3. Wear a leash. Leashes have come under scrutiny lately and our advice is to wear a waist leash in tidal conditions as an ankle leash could get entangled in moorings or other obstructions. Most ankle leashes can easily convert to waist leashes and they aren't expensive. Unless you are stronger than the sea you won't be able to reach an ankle leash and it will drag you under! For SUP surfing and ankle leash is always best. For cold water you won't want to be swimming after your board and if there's a breeze or tidal pull your board will run away faster than you can swim!
  4. Wear a PFD (Personal Floatation Device). These come in many formats but if you are planning to venture offshore or any distance then don your PFD - it might just save your life!
  5. Grab a suitable board. There are many boards available at rock bottom prices so choose a board suitable for what you are planning. Messing about on the beach with your kids is very different to paddling many miles in open sea so consider your budget, your safety and what you plan to use your board for.
  6. Carry your phone or other device for calling for help. If you get stuck or something goes wrong your phone could save your life. There are plenty of phone covers that are waterproof and can be carried on your board. If the worst happens you can call 999 and they will come rescue you - also handy for selfies!
  7. Get good training. Take lessons from a suitable qualified instructor. It will make your paddling more enjoyable and the techniques learnt will most certainly help avoid coming unstuck if ever it happens!
  8. Wear appropriate clothing. In the UK the seas and rivers never warm to much so ensure what you wear suits your abilities. Beware of wind chill!
  9. Are you SUP fit? Keep yourself SUP fit and you will enjoy your paddling - it might also help save your life if you happen to get into bother.
  10. Let someone know you're going out! It's good to paddle with mates but if you go out alone just let someone know you are - that way if you don't report back they can contact you check you're OK.

All the above does not negate common sense - look, listen and learn - local knowledge is everything! By no means is this list everything you need to stay safe or often just not possible such as SUP freestyle where leashes just won't cut it or surfing where a PFD could be dangerous particularly in larger waves.

Join a group! Not only ours but there are plenty of great groups where you can find tips and advice plus friends to paddle with.

Stay safe out there and enjoy!

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