Enquiries: info@exesup.co.uk or join us on Facebook

Enquiries: info@exesup.co.uk

Join The Exmouth SUP & Paddle Group

We are a Facebook group - find us here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/exesup

The Exmouth SUP & Paddle Group was set up over 5 years ago and now has over 2,500 members from across Exmouth & the UK ranging from complete novice to professionals, instructors, racers and those working in the paddle board or kayak industry.

Our group welcomes new members some of whom join us as they are on holiday in the area and want to hook-up with like minded paddlers or join in one of the many events we can offer or just to join other paddle boarders on the beach.

Exmouth SUP & Paddle Group

Beginners Always Very Welcome

We also have many people join us who are yet to buy their first board as we can offer sound advice and guidance to buying your first paddle board, lessons, tidal safety courses and much more besides so you can be assured of the right decisions with regards to kit, safety and locations.

Kayakers Too..?

We welcome kayakers too in fact any paddle sport is welcome to join the Exmouth SUP & Paddle Group.

Inside the group you will find friendly advice on equipment, where to paddle, safety kit and much more in a friendly and fun atmosphere that promotes paddle boarding and associated sports in a welcoming, friendly and safety minded way.

Our Core Team

Matters of how the group runs are passed through our core team chat before being implemented to the group. This ensures that we maintain a high standard of inclusion, fun and friendliness enviable among many other groups and clubs.

Want To Become Part Of Our Group?

It is FREE to join and you are welcome regardless of club - we are not a club.

Click here to join us https://www.facebook.com/groups/exesup

Or simply search Facebook for "Exmouth SUP & Paddle Group" to find us!

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